Conglomer Landscapers


Our customized landscaping with design tailored to the client’s vision and preferences demonstrates our commitment to meeting their specific needs while fostering sustainability.


Our team incorporates their expertise in plant species, soil health, and ecological systems into landscape design to ensure not only a visually appealing result but also one that contributes positively to the environment. We achieve all this through a combination of research, analysis, creativity, and collaboration with clients.

Landscape Installation

This is the journey of transforming ideas into reality.

With our team of seasoned professionals, we breathe life into every aspect of the design, ensuring a seamless integration of all elements. From the vibrant greenery of carefully selected plants and trees to the structural elegance of hardscaping features like walkways and retaining walls, each element is thoughtfully installed to elevate the landscape’s beauty and functionality.

We take pride in our craftsmanship, dedicated to enhancing every corner of your outdoor and indoor space with precision and expertise.

Landscape Installation

Once the design is finalized, we get to work bringing it to life!


Our team of skilled professionals will install all the necessary elements, from plants and trees to hardscaping features like walkways and retaining walls.

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Landscape Maintenance

Elevating the allure of your landscape sanctuary demands meticulous care!

Our comprehensive suite of services ensures your landscape remains in peak condition.

We encompass precise lawn care, expert tree and shrub maintenance, attentive irrigation system installation and upkeeping, hardscape care and maintenance and an array of additional enhancements tailored to your specific needs.

Irrigation Systems

A robust irrigation system is paramount for nurturing a flourishing landscape.


We specialize in crafting and implementing irrigation solutions uniquely made to suit the distinctive requirements of your outdoor space. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies, we design and install systems engineered for maximum efficiency and effectiveness, to ensure that your landscape thrives with optimal hydration.

Irrigation Systems

A proper irrigation system is key to maintaining a healthy landscape.


We design and install custom irrigation systems that are tailored to your landscape’s unique needs, using the latest technologies to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

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Transforming your outdoor oasis into a haven of both beauty and practicality, our team excels in the art of hardscaping.

From charming patios and inviting walkways to sturdy retaining walls and waterfalls, we specialize in crafting an array of hardscaping features that integrate with your landscape’s aesthetics and elevate its functionality. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality craftsmanship, we bring your vision to life, creating outdoor spaces that inspire relaxation, entertainment, and connection with nature.

Whether you seek a serene retreat or an inviting gathering spot, our hardscaping solutions ensure enduring charm and enjoyment for years to come.

Vegetable Gardening

At the heart of sustainable living lies the practice of cultivating one’s own nourishment, and we’re passionate advocates for this wholesome endeavour.

Our team is dedicated to assisting you in creating fresh, organic produce right in your own backyard. From garden design to expert installation, we make each step to suit your preferences and space, ensuring a bountiful harvest throughout the seasons.

With our guidance, you’ll not only reap the rewards of delicious, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables but also contribute to a healthier environment and a more sustainable future. Let us help you cultivate abundance!

Vegetable Gardening

We believe that growing your own food is not only good for your health, but also good for the planet.


Our team can help you design and install a vegetable garden that will provide you with fresh, organic produce all season long.

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Herbal Gardening

Step into the aromatic world of herbal gardening with us.

We are passionate about the transformative power of herbs in elevating your landscape. Beyond mere decoration, we see herbs as versatile allies, adding not just visual appeal and delightful fragrances but also a myriad of practical benefits to your landscape, from enhancing the flavour of your culinary creations to promoting wellness through natural remedies, herbs offer a wealth of possibilities.

Join us on a journey to create a lush, vibrant herbal garden that inspire, nourish and delight your senses.

Here are some of the services we offer for herbal gardening:


Whether you’re interested in using herbs for cooking, medicinal purposes, or simply to add beauty to your landscape, our team can help you create a stunning and functional herbal garden that meets your needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start planning your dream garden!

Our expert landscape designers can work with you to create a customized herbal garden design that meets your needs and preferences. We’ll take into account factors like sunlight, soil type, and your desired herbs to create a beautiful and functional garden.

 Once we’ve designed your herbal garden, our team can install it for you, ensuring that each herb is planted in the correct location and has the appropriate soil and nutrients for optimal growth.

We offer ongoing maintenance services for your herbal garden to ensure that your plants stay healthy and vibrant year-round. Our team can provide pruning, fertilizing, and pest control services as needed to keep your garden in top shape.

We love sharing our passion for herbal gardening with our clients, so we also offer educational resources and workshops to help you learn more about the benefits and uses of different herbs.

Whether you’re curious, contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation. We’re here to answer any questions.


Why Choose us

5 Years Experience

5 Star Rating

Quick Turnaround

Dedicated Support